Het Groene Schip

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Created at: 28 Mar 2021


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Samenvatting (Dutch description)

Deltares supports Staatsbosbeheer with the construction of a 500 x 60 m surface water storage lagoon at the foothill of Het Groene Schip (30m high artificial hill composed of burned household garbage ashes which building process we supported the last 3 years) in the Amsterdam harbor area. For the transformation of land into a lagoon we need to excavate 100.000 m3 of clay and silt. Deltares has to describe the subsurface and groundwater situation and to determine the risks of bursting clay layers and salinization. First field inventory makes use of (1) ‘floating water drones' (ROV), measuring the salinity and temperature in surface water at different depths in cooperation with TUDelft and INDYMO trying to identify seepage zones and, (2) Electrical Magnetic (EM) routing trying to understand the subsurface lithology and groundwater salinity. Based on the results a groundwater monitoring network will be designed and implemented.


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• Submitted 1835 projects
• Expert at Water
• Netherlands

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