RECONECT Elbe Estuary, Hamburg

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Created at: 29 Jan 2019


Description of the Demonstrator The river system of Dove and Gose Elbe, Germany, located in the southeastern part of the City of Hamburg, formerly part of the inland delta of the Elbe river with marsh characteristics, is nowadays protected by flood protection measures from the tide influenced Elbe estuary.

This river system is a part of the complex drainage system of the area Vier- und Marschlande, which also includes the river Bille and the surface waters of Schleusengraben as well as the Old and New Brookwetterung (Drainagesystem) in addition to the Dove and Gose Elbe catchment areas. The two main rivers of the system – Dove and Gose Elbe – are branches of the Elbe River that have been hydraulically decoupled from Elbe River by dikes and sluices. In order to regulate the water levels within the drainage area, a highly complex monitoring and control system consisting of three main rivers, other smaller rivers, numerous ditches, pumps and water management facilities, has been developed over time. Context Environmental and Geographic context, climate conditions and problem description concerning hydro-meterological risks.

Floods (affecting mainly settlement areas and agriculture) due to the combination of:

High water levels in the Elbe River over a longer period (several days) due to wind from western directions.
High discharges within the river system Dove/Gose Elbe and its tributaries (Bille) due to continuous rainfall over a longer period (several days)

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

RECONECT Elbe Estuary, Hamburg

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Floris Boogaard

• Submitted 2066 projects
• Expert at Water
• Netherlands

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