ClimateCafé Cebu Group 11 - Butuanon River (Downstream)

Waterquality Monitoring with ROV


Air and Noise Pollution

Problem Area - Flood Vulnerability

Plastic Soup (aquatic plastic litter)

Created at: 19 Apr 2023


In april ’23, the University of San Carlos (USC) took up the River Challenge with the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (HUAS) and the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (RUAS). During the River Challenge, also bearing the name ‘ClimateCafé Cebu 2023’, the participants were divided into 12 groups to investigate the problems and possible solutions for the Butuanon River and Mahiga Creek in Cebu City. With 13 Filipino students from the USC and two Dutch students from HUAS and RUAS, group 11 worked together intensively to map the problems and possible solutions for a part of the Butuanon River. The location assigned by the professors was located downstream at the river, where low-cost, multi-functional, technical, social, implementable solutions have to be explored, that build onto previous plans from earlier ClimateCafé’s and the local governments.


  1. Maximum Flood Heights Acquiring the maximum flood heights with information from the local residents.
  2. River Width Using Smart Measure Application Measuring the width of the river with smart apps and a rangefinder at different locations.
  3. Urban Water Quality Measuring the water quality with test strips to get a quick impression of the water quality in an accessible, easy, and low-cost way. Parameters: pH, Chlorine, Hardness, Alkalinity, Nitrates, Nitrites, Phosphates.
  4. Riverine Plastic Waste Pollution Randomized sampling in 1 m2 squares on the riverbanks, as well as floating plastic waste to get an impression of the ratios of trash in the river.
  5. Ecology of the River Getting an impression of the ecology of the river using the Stream Assessment Scoring System by finding living organisms using nets and looking under rocks. An ecological score can be determined using the scorecard from the SASS method.
  6. River Stream Velocity Measuring the surface water’s velocity using a floating object and timing how long it takes for the object to float from point A to point B with a known distance.
  7. Turbidity with Secchi Disk The turbidity can be determined by lowering a Secchi Disk into the water and noting at what depth the black and white pattern gets blurry, and again when the disk disappears completely.

Proposed solutions:

  1. Underground Trash Bins As residents often resort to dumping their waste into the river due to a lack of concrete solid waste management, underground trash bins were recommended. These prevent the overflowing of garbage onto the streets and the proliferation of toxic odor and chemicals, as well as wildlife that may otherwise be attracted to the garbage.
    1. Trash Booms Trash Booms are floating barriers made of plastics or metal and are used to collect floating debris in bodies of water. They are a useful tool in reducing especially larger waste of entering our seas and oceans.
    2. Bubble Barrier By releasing compressed air through a perforated tube that is placed diagonally across the riverbed, a vertical barrier for debris and riverine pollutants is created. Bubble Barriers are proven to intercept 86% of microplastics that would otherwise end up in the sea and disrupt the ecology of rivers.

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Aanwezige dier- of insectsoorten/animal or insect specis present Aquatic animals (Frogs, Turtles, Fish, Rat-tailed maggots), Insects (mosquitoes),
ClimateCafé ClimateCafé Cebu City, Philippines 2023
Welke functies vind je terug in de maatrege/what functions can you find in the measure? Fishing, driving a boat

About the author

Ruben Matahelumual

• Submitted 814 projects
• Expert at Climate Events - Learning From Trouble
• Germany

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