Broken dam by storm Daniël (10-8-23) and lack of maintenance

Problem Area - Rainwater Nuisance

Created at: 16 Sep 2023


This dam at a distance of 13 km of Derna city suffered from lack of maintenance. There was a crack in the dam, known since 1998!!!! When this dam broke, the stream broke the next dam at 1 km distance.

The dams were created in the 70’s to prevent flooding of Derna city. The city was flooded before in 1941, 1959 en 1968.

Prior to the storm Daniel Reserachers from the university of Utrecht puplished a scientific article that natural and artifical surface water are emitting more and more nitrous oxide (so called laughing gas). This gas has a couple of hundred times strong effect dan CO2. The emission has trippled in the past century.

Samenvatting (Dutch description)

Stuwmeren, sloten en rivieren stoten wereldwijd steeds grotere hoeveelheden uit van het krachtige broeikasgas N2O (ook bekend als lachgas). De uitstoot van lachgas, honderden keer sterker dan CO2, is afgelopen eeuw verdrievoudigd. Dat melden onderzoekers van de Universiteit Utrecht in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Environmental Science & Technology.

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