
Upcoming events

Floris will be attending or presenting at the following events. Keep an eye on this list to get to meet him in person. You can subscribe to e-mail notifications by enabling them in your profile.

All ClimateCafe events use ClimateScan.

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Past events

Below you will find a selection of past events.

Event Location
Reconect: Climatescan River Portfolio Training
27-09-2018 12:09
RECONECT aims to rapidly enhance the European reference framework on Nature Based Solutions (NBS) for hydro-meteorological risk reduction by demonstrating, referencing, upscaling and exploiting large-scale NBS in rural and natural areas.

In an era of Europe’s natural capital being under increased cumulative pressure from intensive agriculture, fisheries and forestry, and urban sprawl, RECONECT will stimulate a new culture of co-creation of ‘land use planning’ that links the reduction of hydro-meteorological risk with local and regional development objectives in a sustainable and financially viable way.

To do that, RECONECT draws upon a network of carefully selected Demonstrators and Collaborators that cover a wide and diverse range of local conditions, geographic characteristics, institutional/governance structures and social/cultural settings to successfully upscale NBS throughout Europe and Internationally.

To achieve these ambitious goals, the RECONECT consortium brings together an unprecedented transdisciplinary partnership of researchers, industrial partners (SMEs and large consultancies) and authorities/agencies at local and watershed/regional level fully dedicated to achieve the desired outcomes of the project.

more info:
Portofino, Italy
Wateropleiding: Klimaatadaptatie in de stad
02-10-2018 12:10
Met excursie langs rainproof praktijkvoorbeelden

In september organiseert Wateropleidingen de cursus ‘klimaatadaptatie in de stad‘. In vier lesdagen leer je meer over de verschillende klimaatadaptieve maatregelen, zo ook over de rainproof maatregelen. In deze cursus ga je aan de slag met ontwerp, aanleg, beheer en monitoring van maatregelen om de stad bestendig te maken tegen extreem weer.

Dag 3: Regenwatervoorzieningen en waterkwaliteit

Lesdag 3 host Waternet. Op 2 oktober krijgen de deelnemers les over regenwatervoorzieningen en waterkwaliteit. Samen met docent Floris Boogaard gaan we op fietsexcursie langs verschillende rainproof maatregelen toegepast in Amsterdam. We kijken hoe de voorzieningen er in de praktijk bij liggen, hoe ze zijn aangelegd en bespreken het functioneren na een aantal jaar. Ook leren de deelnemers welke stakeholders je nodig hebt om de voorzieningen uit te voeren en te beheren. Kortom hoe maak je de stad klimaatproof en hoe verloopt zo’n proces?


De cursus: Klimaatadaptatie in de stad is in het najaar van 2018 en vindt plaats op diverse locaties in Nederland.

Lesdag 1: 4 september 2018, Wijkcentrum Ark van Oost Nijmegen
Lesdag 2: 18 september 2018, Stadskantoor Utrecht ruimte 1.04
Lesdag 3: 2 oktober 2018, Waternet Amsterdam
Lesdag 4: 30 oktober 2018, Wijkcentrum ’t Oude Weeshuis Nijmegen

Doe je mee?
Waternet, Amsterdam
Brantas project workshop 'climatescan'
04-10-2018 12:10
Fostering inclusive growth, health and equity by mainstreaming water quality in River Basin Management

More info:
Surabya, Indonesia
Climate Adaptation in Northern Netherland
17-10-2018 12:10
The climate is changing – and those changes will have an impact on our lives. Not only globally, but also locally in the Northern Netherlands. The urgency of this matter is already noticeable. Above-average warm temperatures, a continuous drought and heavy, localized rainfalls accompanied us this summer.

more info:
Groningen, The Netherlands
Klimaatverstoring in regio Alkmaar
31-10-2018 19:10


Rotaract Club Alkmaar organiseert het Sprekersevent072, waarbij twee inspirerende sprekers u meenemen in de actuele klimaatverstoring in de regio Alkmaar.

Het event wordt afgesloten met een gezellige netwerkborrel, waarbij u kennis kunt uitwisselen met andere ondernemers en geïnteresseerden uit de regio.


De zomer van 2018 laat ons zien wat de impact is van de verstoring van het klimaat. We verbreken record na record op een zorgwekkend tempo. Hitte, droogte en wateroverlast komt steeds vaker en in steeds extremere vormen voor.

Wat is de stand van zaken en wat staat de regio Alkmaar te wachten? En wat kunnen we zelf doen om bij te dragen aan een duurzame toekomst?
meer info:
Emerging sustainable strategies for climate change, Manila
10-11-2018 12:11
Event: Emerging sustainable strategies for climate change, approaches in making the Philippines a resilient country manila
Manila, Philippines
Climatescan at The 4th International River Summit
20-11-2018 12:11
Throughout history, rivers have helped developed early civilizations in different parts of the world, paving the way to twentieth-century progress. Their waters, the various river basins and systems, all continue to play critical roles in cultivating and sustaining life to this day.
Despite the many benefits we reap from the environment, we have been remiss in its stewardship. Rapid urbanization, growing populations, and climate change have led to the exploitation, pollution, and degradation of our rivers.

More info:
Mandaue CIty Cebu, Philippines
Water and City, Climatescan workshop
14-03-2019 10:03
We invite you to apply for an INTERNATIONAL seminar Water and City where climatescan is used for inspiration to outdoor space designers, landscape architects, environmental or water engineers, experts in private or public sector, or simply interested in an effective and legitimate stormwater management in urban environment.

Experts will share their experience and advice and show examples on
1. Floris Boogaard - engineer, rainwater management expert, professor and senior researcher at the University of Groningen, Netherlands - will explain International challenges and best management practices in stormwater management in urban environment
2. Ramune Sanderson landscape architect from Lithuania, experienced international project expert - will tell about Practical application of Sustainable drainage system (SUDS) in Lithuanian landscape architecture projects. Their highlights and challenges.
3. Kajsa Rosqvist representative of Helsinki Municipality, international project manager - will share Stormwater management in Helsinki
4. Jurijs Kondratenko Project management/expert in urban planning and regional development projects, sustainable urban drainage systems, member of CLEANTECH LATVIA, project manager of Grupa93 Ltd. - will introduce Stormwater management in Latvia. Their highlights, challenges and legislation

During the event you will:
1 get practical advice from industry experts at European level,
2 evaluate the potential of your company for engaging in water management projects,
3 get acquainted with traditions of the company "LABIE KOKI", make new contacts, participate in "brainstorming",
4 participate in workshops to develop solutions for Garden in the center of Riga, gain expert evaluation and awards,
5 get acquainted with Latvian architecture, history and feast,
6 enjoy the cultural life in the heart of Riga by attending opera "Die Fledermaus".
ECCA 2019: International knowledge exchange on climate adaptation with the Climatescan platform
28-05-2019 14:05
Cities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change and there is a need for (inter)national knowledge exchange on Best Management Practices (BMPs) in climate adaptation. In semi-structured interviews stakeholders demanded international knowledge exchange tools that are interactive, open source and provide more detailed information (exact location and users, scientific proof of efficiency). From this conclusion the web-based platform on urban resilience was created for stakeholders working on climate resillience and applied in international projects as INXCES, WaterCoG, RECONECT and Muffin.
Within 2 years it holds over 3000 �blue-green� projects around the globe with over 10.000 users. Evaluation of the tool concluded that it helps policy makers and practitioners to gather valuable data on BMPs and stimulates knowledge exchange about climate adaptation. However it was suggested that the tool could be further improved by transforming from a �map with BMPs� to a interactive platform or �climatescan community� to further create awareness and brings together stakeholders from around the world (currently mostly Europe/The Netherlands).

The tool was applied during non-european conferences as the Adaptation Futures & The Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), in Cape Town and workshops and challenges for young professionals city climatescan in Asia. Currently climatescan has a stronger link to social media for young professionals suggested by stakeholders (facebook and Twitter) and is a frequently used tool in City Climatescans around the world. City Climatescans is a pressure cooker programme for young students & professionals working in transdisciplinary and transcultural teams on climate adaptation topics with a tangible end result such as a regional climatescan map with BMPs, vegetated waste catchers and or floating constructed wetlands. The use of Climatescan by different stakeholders during these events led to achieving the ambitions to be an interactive community rather than a static tool, resulting in further recommendations for climatescan and other web-based tools world wide.
lissabon, Portugal
Climatecafe Malmo
10-06-2019 10:06
Our urban and rural environment (rivers, cities) are becoming increasingly vulnerable for climate change and there is an urgent need to become more resilient. Climatecafe is a method to assess different parameters in the field that give a quick insight in the vulnerability of a defined urban or rural area. Climatecafe will raise awareness and will build capacity experiencing the UN sustainable goals with:
>50 young professionals, >15 nationalities, >15 disciplines.

More info:

Malmo, Sweden